
Trinity has been making progress since her last surgery on Friday, June 1st.  The repair of the left hind leg plate was her 5th surgery and hopefully final surgery.  A testament to her strength and will to live, her little frail body keeps bouncing back.  Her orthopedic vet Dr. Bugman assures me, “puppies are resilient” and if we stay the course she will recover from the fractures.

Trinity has been working on standing with her 3 legs (front one is in a splint healing following the second surgery on, one was not broken and the hind leg operated on May 23rd is functioning) and doing toe touches with the recently operated leg.  Each day she makes progress in balancing herself, despite the splint covering her entire front leg.   Her goal is to walk with assistance for 2 to 3 minutes, 3 times a day.

She is an excellent patient indoors, but when it comes to being outside in the grass, forget walking, it’s time for her to lay down on her back and wiggle ever so gently.  JUST LIKE A NORMAL HEALTHY DOG.  She puts a smile on everyone’s face when she does so, a sign to us that she is going to be alright when we come to the end of this journey.

She eats 4 meals a day, rice, organic turkey, sweet potato puree, goats milk and loves it.
Today she started to play with a couple of her chew toys, another sign that she is in better spirits.

We captured her sassiness outdoors today in a mock-up commercial for her favorite treats, “Bark Pops”  Her tail starts to wag the second she sees the white bag as she already recognizes it as being reward time.


#barkpops, #trinitystrong, #animalcrueltyendswithme, #betheirvoice, #KEI4LIFE, #spokesmodel, #ishallsurvive, #VSC, #dr_adam_pet_vet, #pudgethepit,#adoptdontshop


  1. Thank you for the updates on Trinity. It brings a smile to my face. I thank God that there are wonderful beautiful people that fight for these innocent animals. A righteous person cares for the needs of their animal. God bless you all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love getting Trinity updates….she has come a long way.. Bless each and everyone of you for doing all you can for her….she is getting so much love and attention and of course excellent care…Please keep the updates coming..


      1. Hi Kenneth
        We will be hosting a fundraiser at the Joliet Slammers stadium. It’s bring your dog to the game day and Trinity will be honored. We will be looking for volunteers to help organize the event and volunteer at the event. Our goal is to bring awareness that it takes all of us to say enough is enough and put an end to animal cruelty. #betheirvoice


  3. As an animal lover with a houseful of stray cats, I enjoy reading your updates. No animal should ever be treated the way Trinity was and she is so blessed to have your loving care.


    1. Initially, we were contacted by a television reporter whose station broadcasts in the Kentucky area where she was found. He wanted details to bring back to his producers to attempt to get them to run a story asking for information. Nothing more became of it after that point, perhaps it wasn’t newsworthy enough.

      Peta is offering a $5000 reward for information leading to the person(s) who neglected or abused Trinity. They ran the call to action on their website and in some local online papers in conjunction with the State Police.


    2. For the record:
      The gentlemen who picked her off of I-24 said he recalls it being at an overpass prior to Eddysville, Kentucky and that he pulled off an exit with a Shell Fuel station right after to ask if there was a local vet he could take her to immediatly. He believes he discovered her on the road between 11 and noon on Sunday, May 20th.


  4. Please keep these updates coming. They bring great joy showing Trinity’s progress. Thanks to all who are actively caring for Trinity and those who provided the donations for her care. Bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Cynthia, for your time creating the updates. Trinity looks really good and everyone wants her to continue her progress and get the forever home she deserves. Many comments ask about the person that did this horrible thing. Believe that karma has a special lesson for him/her and that moment will arrive. Don’t even waste time or hurt thinking about that individual. All of you are amazing in the efforts put forth. That’s the turn around for Trinity. Keep the momentum going


      1. Thank you for the kind words, Camille.

        My rescue partner, Jeanne and I have spent way too much time holding dying dogs, begging them to hold on, to fight for their lives and giving them all our energy to waste it on monsters who hide in the dark. Whoever neglected/abused Trinity will not win. She has amazing strength and will. I look forward to the day we can video her running and playing with a big smile on her face. We will all rejoice on that day, for now we cheer her on at each medical marker she passes. Thank you for joining us on her journey.


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