Today Trinity had her follow-up appointment with Dr. A. Bugman of the Veterinary Speciality Center.  The goal was to remove the splint and decide if the front leg was ready to go it alone, with a foam pad and wrap.

The smile on our little girls’ face when she returned to the waiting room without the splint and sporting a fancy teal bandage to match her collar was a megawatt smile.

Grant it she had become accustomed to the splint, dragging it, having it become planted in the ground forcing her to walk in reverse, to finally hustling wagging tail butt as if it was there all along.

Personally, I will not miss her swinging her leg when I pick her up and hitting me in the side of the face with it.  Be gone splint and never come back!

Her legs are all healing beautifully, she continues to gain strength, the muscles felt a bit stiff but that is to be expected.  Trin now walks for 35 minutes twice a day, she will be ready for her first Spartan race before we know it.

Her personality continues to blossom, as we learn she is one stubborn…  This tiny little dog will battle you to put on her baggie so her bandage doesn’t get wet, she will spit her medication back at you, she will nibble on your hand while trying to apply her skin treatment, she howls, barks and squeals when her food is late.  She is an undeniable DIVA DOG!

Now that the splint is gone, it’s time to get serious with doggie basic manners.  We will be visiting the rehabilitation center next to see what type of physical therapy she will be undertaking as her next challenge.

In case you haven’t heard, there is this ball game on July 22 at Rt. 66 home of the Joliet Slammers where yours truly, the Diva Dog to End All Diva Dogs will be taking the field, walking all on her own.

We hope to see you there, please stop by our booth on the main concourse behind home plate to say hello!  (Tickets can be purchased right here on our site, proceeds benefit more dogs like Trinity)

~Cynthia Lynn